Happy Mother’s Day!
Don’t you like the way that Mother’s Day is in May? I like to think it gives us a second wind to finish this month strong. (just kidding)
When our children lived at home, I loved the month of May and I braced myself for May. I loved that the school year was soon to end – which meant homework reminders, last-minute projects, making lunches, hurried mornings, jam-packed afternoons, and rushed suppers would end for a season. I braced myself for everything that would happen before that. During May every final project, paper, test, exam, field trip, award ceremony, athletic game or play-off, art or music or drama program, or other special day happens. It’s just the way it is.
Every year I tried to “handle” May better than the year before. I tried not to live to get through it, but to savor it. Plenty of hours I failed, but plenty were delicious.
Through the hurried meal preps and even-more-hurried meals, the endless car time, the homework, after-school activities, and learning how to get along under our own roof – our family grows. Our children are learning – all kinds of things. Activities reveal interests, accomplishment, or a new friend. Moments around the table, in the car, or hurrying out the door provide snapshots of relationship growth, even friendship. We are learning.
I hope you find this prayer helpful to savor more days of May ~
Dear God,
Thank you for giving me today and for each of my children. I commit this day to you. Help me seek and follow your plan – and not mine. Prepare me for what you already know will be a part of this day. I give you my weariness, my hurts, and my worries. Please refresh, heal, and comfort me. Fill me with your love and help me love with your love this day. Help me see each child the way you do. Alert me to be present to you – so my thoughts, words, and behavior reflect you more. Help me learn to seize moments to be still and enjoy each child. Thank you that you love me so much. I love you. Amen.
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