My husband wrote this prayer years ago. Though it was first shared on a Mother’s Day, it’s a prayer for any day…
O Heavenly Father,
We praise and thank You this day for Your gift of mothers in this world.
For the profound love You pour into their hearts and the many sacrifices they make for us their children.
May You bless the women who are at the beginning of their journey of motherhood with newborn babies and toddlers.
May You bless the mothers who are in the midst of raising their children.
May You bless the single mother who is challenged to be all things to her children.
May You bless the mother who chooses to love and nurture the child of another.
May You bless the mothers who continue to encourage their children and the next generation, as grandmothers.
May You bless the mothers who grieve the loss of their children.
May You comfort the women who yearn to know the blessing of motherhood.
Continue to bless these women. Keep them healthy in body, mind, and spirit. Call them to turn to You when they struggle in their daily lives. Give them the courage, compassion, and vision to meet each daily challenge.
For those of us whose mothers now share Your heavenly banquet—
May You enable us to recall special memories to help us endure the loss we feel from the absence of our mother in our daily life. Thank You that they are in Your presence knowing joy that we cannot imagine.
All this we ask in the name of the One who also knew the loving touch of His own mother, Mary—Jesus Christ our Lord. AMEN
Kit Smith says
Oh, Teresa, that is beautiful! Is it ok if I print and frame that?
Teresa says
Yes, of course!! I hope you’re doing well, Kit!