“I’ve already done one lap.”
I had just joined Ellison in the Bed, Bath and Beyond store. This is NOT his kind of store, but he had a gift receipt and wanted to use it before he moved to Mississippi. I was thrilled that he let me tag along.
His comment did not mean, I’ve done a lap, I’m warmed up, let’s do some shopping! He meant, I’ve walked around once. Let’s get something and go.
I laughed, enjoying my son. I heard him and appreciated what he meant.
I only wish I learned years ago what I know now… to listen better and consider what’s being said.
We place our children in settings, and usually they express themselves through words, attitude or conduct. And if we don’t like their reaction, we react.
They don’t like something and we don’t like something.
Why do we react to their reaction? . . . because they’re not reacting the way that we want or expect them to.
Sometimes my expectations were age appropriate.
But sometimes I was wrong.
I like to think that if I had listened closer, I would have learned sooner. Maybe I would have appreciated a child’s effort to express, rather than suppress, for the sake of learning to communicate.
I know I would have enjoyed more moments.
Look at their face, tune in to their tone, consider their age and stage of life.
Momentarily stand in both worlds – theirs and ours – for perspective to move forward.
Seek God’s perspective. It’s always available.
Learn to decipher what they’re not saying with words, but showing.
Learn what God is showing us – about our self, our child, HIM, and our 3-way relationship.
Learn to love our child deeply where he is. For this is how God loves us.
…because some of the greatest treasures are hidden in plain view.
sara says
Hi,what is your son going to do in mississippi? I was blessedby reading your post…only one more lap lol
Lisa says
so true and so relevant in my life! Thanks for always putting things in a great perspective, Teresa!
Teresa says
Hi Lisa! I’m blessed by your reading and sharing. I hope you and your whole family are doing well. Love to you.