I don’t have anything else to give.
I’m tired of trying.
I’m done.
Do you have anyone in your life who is just hard to love sometimes? We try. We pray. We seek advice or perspective from others. We try again . ,. and sometimes we get tired of trying.
God knows we are going to struggle to love others sometimes, just like others are going to struggle to love us at times.
We pour out all that is in us—We encourage, help, listen, share time, try to be thoughtful, and express love. Yet, as we pour or give, we empty. When we experience hurt or offense in the form of absence of appreciation, indifference, criticism, or judgment, it’s like the faucet gets turn on full blast. We’re drained dry. Our feelings of love and our desire to give deplete.
We are not created with a limitless reservoir of love inside. God IS the reservoir. “God is love.” (1 John 4.8b)
“So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.” (1 John 4.16)
We have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us.
Have you come to know God’s love for you?
Do you believe He loves you as much as much as You’ve heard He does?
As we seek to know God, he grows our understanding of how great his love for us is. It’s humbling to recognize how conditional our feelings can be. And it’s a relief to discover that God’s love for us and in us is intended to be the means for relationship with others—not how we feel in the moment.
You and I are made to be loved by God.
Say it out loud… I was made to be loved by God.
Slow down and let this truth move from your mind into your heart. Invite God to sink this amazing truth into the deepest place of your heart—God, You loved me as you formed me, and You want me to enjoy Your love every day.
When we draw deeply from the reservoir of God’s love for us, His love flows through us. He replenishes our exhausted heart.
Filled with God’s love, we can release to Him the hurt or offense, and forgive.
Filled with God’s love, we can experience His healing, strengthening, and grace to begin anew.
Filled with God’s love, we can have a conversation with that person and remain calm.
Filled with God’s love, we can love our child through his rebellious days, just as God loves us through ours. Our child experiences, “I’m for you. I love you. I’m not going anywhere.”
Filled with God’s love, we love WITH HIS LOVE.
God’s love transforms hearts, beginning with ours. When we draw from His reservoir, and let His love fill us full, it’s His love that overflows to others.
Dear God,
Thank you for your love. Help me come to know and believe more fully your love for me. Please remind me to draw from your unending reservoir of love, and help me be a vessel of Your love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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