Are we going to buy diapers forEVER?
When are our boys going to stop fighting and realize they could be good friends?
Will my child ever get to have a special friend?
Is my relationship with my teenager always going to be so strained?
Often we won’t understand God’s timetable for our life seasons because we don’t have His timeless view.
Our view can get clouded by what we want.
Have you ever said, “I’m ready for winter to be over!”? As much as we may want winter to end, we cannot end it. God is in charge of this. Our calendar can say it’s the first day of spring, but God is Lord of the weather we’ll have that day… So, do we make the most of the 35 degrees day – or complain?
Just as the Lord is sovereign over the weather seasons, He is sovereign over the length of our life seasons, our children’s life seasons, and each season we’ll walk through with our children. Some we won’t want to end, some are long, and some… we wonder if they’ll ever end! Is there a pattern here?? Yes, WE want to determine or at least know each season’s length!
Like seasons of the year, seasons in life will be for a defined time—God’s time—and then each will pass.
We want things to happen or change on our timetable. Too often we’re wishing away a season because it’s difficult, challenging, painful, discouraging or all of the above. When we do this, we waste time. Time that God has given to us. There’s a big difference between wishing away a season – and prayer.
God’s not torturing us, waiting to see how much we can endure – of the weather or our child! He’s working. Remember, He’s the Creator and we are His creation.
I’ve had plenty of pity parties, after which I usually pray (or whine), “Lord, when will this end? What else can I do?” Often I’m reminded that sometimes I’m not to “do” anything. I’m to pray the desires of my heart, listen to God, and wait on Him, trusting Who He is.”
With any enduring season, we can pray through it: “Lord, I want to learn and receive all that you have for me in this season. If there’s anything You still desire to accomplish in me, in my child, in our relationship during this season, please help me see and understand and participate with You.”
Why? Because I want to want what the Lord God Almighty wants – for me, my child and our relationship.
“…we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.” (Romans 5.2-5)
Anonymous says
Hi Teresa! I have been so encouraged by reading back through some of your recent posts! Thank you for sharing the wisdom God gives you with us!
Teresa deBorde Glenn says
Hi Ellen! God is so faithful to meet each of us exactly where we are at any moment, in every season.
Ellen Loomis says
Thank you Teresa for writing what the Holy Spirit inspires… God knows we all face the same challenges and I needed to read this encouragement from the Lord! Thank you!
Teresa deBorde Glenn says
Thank you for sharing this! I think a lot of us have struggled, or do struggle, with each category you named. You're doing the best thing – praying 🙂
Anonymous says
I just wanted to tell you (once again) how much I enjoy your “time for mom's”! Today I felt like you wrote it “to” me!:-) Everything is really fine at my house , but just having some growing pains with this “season”(a “grown” child living back at home, one ready to go off to college even though it is almost a year away still, and another one coming home for fall break , but literally NOT seeing her while she is home!) I have been praying for patience as well as forgiveness for my own internal “anger/frustration” with my kids! Your thoughts and perspective really helped me to think about this season and not try to rush it:-)
Linda Grabeman says
God “re-defines” us for the new seasons of our lives…not necessarily an easy thing, but always a good thing. Thanks for reminding me that it is normal to whine a little bit about
ends of seasons in our lives, but God is working it all together for good, even though it doesn't always look like that from our very limited perspective!