Happy New Year!
Are you back in a rhythm yet? During December I have no rhythm!
January is when I attempt to come to some kind of order. But even then, I sometimes struggle with what to tackle first or how to tackle it! I’ve found this to be true as a stay at home mom and when I worked full time. I have my “wanna’s” for the day, what others expect of me, what “has to happen”, the unexpected and everything that distracts me in between.
As I begin this new year, I’m returning to an old prayer I used to pray. It comes from a verse I love that’s easy to remember, challenging to trust, but very freeing when I try to apply it to my living. “Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him, and he will act.” (Psalm 37.5)
God intends for the scriptures to help us know Him better and to help us with how we live our life. He sees and knows everything – so He knows our challenges. He wants to help – but He desires to help us through a personal, developing relationship with Him.
My renewed daily prayer is: “Lord, I commit this day to you. Help me trust you.” Years ago I began to pray this because I struggled to release my plan (my “way”) and commit it to God. When I commit my way to Him, I choose to release my way and become open to the way He will present throughout the day. By saying this to God, we take a step of faith that He will meet us where we are.
Earlier today a friend and I were having coffee. We shared what we do when we’re avoiding what we need to be doing. She cleans her sock drawer; I do a load of laundry. We laughed because these are things we can CONTROL. When I choose to commit my way to the Lord, I’m deciding to try to obey God’s will for the day. This can be a tall order when I’m facing something challenging, something I don’t want to do – or I’m tempted by something I’d rather do!
I always have to add my request for help with ‘trust‘. Sometimes the circumstance stirs up all my feelings of inadequacy. Other times, laying down what I want to do for what God wants me to do requires me to draw on His strength to be able to trust that His way is best.
“… and he will act.” The first part (of the verse) we attempt to do; the second part, God will do – always, faithfully. As we try to commit our way to the Lord daily, He will act. He will lead us. Trust Him. The more you try this, the more you’ll experience it.
Donna says
I love your verse and your resolve! I needed this as I start a new day and wasn't happy with all I have to do…I will instead “commit to the Lord” and start again…thankyou!!
Stacey Smith says
Great blog, Teresa! I just committed my day and “to do” list to the Lord. Just secretly hoping he doesn't take Target off! Thanks again for prayers on Sunday, great week!
Love Being a Nonny says
Reading this was a perfect way to start my day. Thank you!