“…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control…”
The first time I read this verse depressed me. I couldn’t pick even one that I felt I was doing fairly well. Then when I became a mom, I learned how weak I am in all these traits.
Failing miserably, often hurting those I love most, I’ve wondered how many times I’ll say ‘God, I’m sorry. Help me be more…’
You and I want these traits—and not just if we are a mom.
Then one day, a tiny two-letter word splashed hope on my heart.
…the fruit OF the Spirit.
These traits are God’s, perfect only in Him.
He GIVES them to us. If Christ is in you, the seeds for His character traits are in you.
God’s plan is that our character reflects His.
Becoming gentle, self-controlled, patient, kind, faithful, loving … the source is God. As we draw near to know Him, God gives growth to His seeds. Fruit manifests.
It’s not a produce-it thing. It’s a receive-it thing.
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