Well, our house is half decorated. I started last week and haven’t had time to finish yet! Terrell has said a couple of times now, “I think we should decorate the whole banister, not just half the way up…” I plan to finish today. Well, we’ll see.
Do you have any favorite Christmas decorations? I do. My sentimental favorites are the ones that our children made when they were little. I love pulling them out every year, picturing those little hands at work! I wish the one that I’m showing you here was on the tree, but it’s not up yet!
A few years ago dear friends gave us a Christmas plate. Below the picture of Jesus in a manger, it says, “He Came.” This also is one of my favorite decorations because it has a simple yet very powerful message. Every time I walk by it, the words grab me.
JESUS CAME because He loves us so much. The message is from a Bible verse, John 10.10: “…I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
For you. For me. For our children…HE CAME.
HE CAME for us to have
… A life that is abundant. That doesn’t mean lots of stuff, lots of friends, lots of everything.
… A life that is full. That doesn’t mean busy.
… A life that is joy-filled. That doesn’t mean always happy.
… A life that is blessed. That doesn’t mean without trials.
Life is interesting. We can have plenty, more than plenty, and then wonder how we’re going to pay the light bill. We can have a full social life, people we call friends, and then one day wonder who we can trust. Circumstances can put us on “cloud nine” one day and bring us to tears the next. For reasons like this, some call life a roller coaster.
HE CAME that we might have life and have it abundantly…
Do we go to Him for LIFE?
Do we believe that our daily life can be ABUNDANT?
“Jesus, thank you for coming for me and thank you that You come to me. Help me come to You. Help me grasp what abundant life with You can be like.”
Anonymous says
Life is certainly a roller coaster! Thank you for your incite in 'time for moms'.