Circumstances can overwhelm us.
People can overwhelm us.
Responsibilities can overwhelm us.
Trying to satisfy our self expectations.
Trying to be (like) someone else.
Getting tangled up trying to please others.
Have you ever considered what your self expectations are?
As a wife. As a mother. As an employee. As a friend. As a daughter. As a sister. And on and on….
For me, this is an insightful prayer exercise. When I feel scattered, overwhelmed or wrestle with feelings of inadequacy, this is usually my cue to seek God about whose desires I’m aiming toward – His, mine, or someone else’s.
You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29.13)
“God, show me my self expectations in this relationship, currently.”
I wait. Some emerge rather quickly; they’re familiar. Other times I’m surprised… why am I putting that expectation on myself? Down deep I usually know, or God shows me. Eagerly, earnestly I release to God all that surfaces.
Emptied, I pray, “God, show me what YOU desire of me and for me in this relationship, currently.”
Again, I wait. Faithfully, He reveals. Amazing. His desires always give me peace – even when they’re challenging – because He promises to go before me.
You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will receive me to glory. (Psalm 73.24)
Casey says
Thank you, Teresa. I needed these wise words this evening to know how to pray.
Teresa says
Hi Casey,
I am so very glad that this is helpful. I will join you in prayer that you’ll discern the Lord’s way. Thank you for being in touch here.