We found our way to the airport gate. Anticipation building, Terrell and I watch for our daughter, who lives on another continent, to come around the corner. I’ve grown to understand my mother’s words: Distance makes the time apart feel longer.
As I glimpsed her face, emotion overtook me. I jumped up and down and started crying. My girl. I really see her. I get to hug her.
As our kids each moved away to attend college, my heart adjusted to the wide spaces between seeing them. Happy for them in their new season of life, I move on with my life, too.
But I miss them.
Their new season informs my season – in the mom category.
Being mom yet again is redefined.
I work on letting go in my prayers. Releasing them. Releasing how I viewed and interacted with them in their former season. Releasing what I think. To God. Trying to figure out how God wants me to be mom in our new “now”. I attempt to put this into practice when we talk on the phone, email or see each other. And it’s hard. I mess up.
My momma’s heart struggles to keep pace with my maturing “child”.
Sometimes we wonder where we fit in each next scene of our child’s life. Where we fit in his heart.
We fit as ‘mom’. We will always be mom.
God has given our child a place in our heart of unexplainable love.
It’s rooted in His unexplainable love for us.
“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” (Ephesians 3.18, NLT)
Alison Talley says
It’s always refreshing to read your words, and truths that God has placed on your heart and has you share. I can SO identify at this stage of my life, too. Where is Cecelia in school? I know Ellison is in Raleigh, but I haven’t had a chance to see him yet. Please tell him if he is ever at Trinity to come seek me out. I am teaching the 4th grade there.
Teresa says
Hi Alison,
It’s great to hear from you! Thank you for your encouragement. I am so blessed to know that you read the blog. I will pass on your message to Ellison, too.
Jody Godby says
With one of my daughters living in Europe and none of them living nearby, I totally identify with your mom’s saying, “Distance makes the time apart feel longer.” Thanks for sharing that. –Jody
Teresa says
Hi Jody,
Thanks for being in touch here!